Wednesday, September 22, 2010

reporting live from MVA High School.

As you may know today in the first day of fall!!!
As a rule follower I've waited till today to wear my suede lace up oxford super high pumps.
my outfit was a combined style of Blair Waldorf from Gossip Girl and Carrie from Sex and the City.
i wore a red floral high waisted skirt and a sheer black button up with a patten leather belt.
Anyway it was a darn good outfit.
little did i know today would be the Assembly for school dress code.
ha ha so i walk into the Assembly and the principal looks at me and just raises her eyebrows.
the first topic is about school appropriate outfits that wont be a distraction to learning.
she shoots a look in my direction as Mrs. Desantis
(teacher who's idea of fashion is floodwater pants and pant/jacket outfits from Chico's and Cold water Creek)

gives me a stink eye
...guilty as charged...
i like dressing up for school sorry ladies not gonna change that
hey at least I'm not into Lady Gaga style

and now here is some looks by Miss Waldorf

im going to wear this
I LOVE this top!!!
p.s I LOVE this photo
have a lovely day and make all your outfits turn heads
Ciao Bella

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