Monday, February 27, 2012

Black And White

I love black and white shots. 
We learned that colors portray and induce specific feelings in the viewer
Black is strength and elegance 
White suggests clean and weightless feelings.
its a good combo when they meet in the middle...

Ciao Bella 

Friday, February 24, 2012

Group Projects and Redlights

ok so if anyof you are still out there waiting for me to post....
i hope you like my little story...
Ok so you know what totalk sucks?! 
they suck suck suck.
and heres why... 
if a group of 4 gets a group project,
then that means 4 peoples worth of work.
well guess what?
only one person ends up working so one girl has to do 4 peoples jobs!
and guess who that is?
if you guessed  Betty White your wrong.
the answer is me. 
people. are. uesless. 
heres what i like.
cute boys at red lights :) 
you can giggle , wave and wink... 
and youll never have to see them again. 
:) its fun.
so heres some pretty pictures :

SO....i have a pinterest and its the best thing since sliced bread! 
Ciao Bella 